Free delivery from Fr. 300 of purchase or 18 bottles, otherwise Fr. 15

Domaine Pouderoux
At the CAVE, we have a passion for Roussillon, whether it be for the great natural sweet wines in all their forms, or for dry wines, which have never been so accomplished in this southern region, but which are capable of producing unique and endearing wines with a tightrope walker's balance.For six generations, the Pouderoux family has been cultivating the vines on the schist and red clay terroirs of Maury, in the upper Agly valley. If the grandfather was one of the pioneers of the AOC, his grandson was able to diversify into the production of great sweet and now dry red Maury wines. The vinification has been softened in the extractions and the maturing, relatively long, is now done only in used barrels or vats, in order not to wear out the beautiful and fragile fruit of the grenache. The result is pleasing.

The wines of the domain Domaine Pouderoux :


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